Saturday 23 July 2016

Raviv Dozetas :A view from one of Grey stars student accommodations

REITS –Are an investment vehicle that allow members of the public to buy shares in UK listed property companies that collectively manage many billions of pounds.
Much legislation exists around REITS and residential property investment, but currently residential investments are single digits percentages of Reits funds, thus much potential exists to increase Reits participation the UK.
All the housing listed below is currently available, all able to be produced and assembled in weeks, all have low carbon/zero carbon foot prints, exceed energy efficiency standards, of good design and use high quality materials.
It is safe to say they exceed traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ construction build quality and are guaranteed the same if not longer. (NHBC guarantees or equivalent are available on these homes) The below list showcases the international approach to locally produced, low cost, high quality ,small floor plate housing, and thus while we are examining  the UK only ,we must be sure we are competitive against technologies and the latest production techniques.
United States:Rural Studio is an off campus ,design build program of the University of Auburn, they  offer a full hi-tech, eco-friendly home for under $20 000.00 (materials of $12000 and labour, assembly installation of $8000.00,The project is mainly aimed at underprivileged members of  society in less affluent areas, to date they have serviced 3 states and have created over 600 projects ,this is a collaboration between the  University of Auburn , students and society ,many students spend many  years on the program going on to teach and use these concepts In their careers and lives in construction, it is therefore an organic, evolving approach to eco-friendly, design led house building techniques that infiltrates society.
These techniques together with the recently introduced relaxed planning approach in the UK, and the introduction of more land to build on is a viable solution to create a grass roots, eco-friendly self-build program.
The requirement for housing could be achieved using the above model as families can be homed for a fraction of the current UK model cost, with the added benefit of always being able to change if required to rebuild, renovate or extend accordingly.
It must be stated that this must not become a shanty town approach, rather a structured, building regs approved program, but clearly the 600 homes built to date do thus far stand to testament of this approach.
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